Thursday, February 28, 2013

It's Raining Mahogany!

There has been a subtle change in the air here.  After a month plus of beautiful weather, temperatures are beginning to rise, which has triggered an explosion in the mahogany trees around Gallon Jug.

Though there is selective harvest of mahogany trees in the jungle portions of the Gallon Jug estate, the trees in the 'ranch' area of the estate, where the school is located, have been left untouched.  This serves the dual purpose of showcasing the beautiful mahogany tree, one of Belize's national symbols, and seed production for replanting.

Seed pods on the mahogany trees have been bursting this week showering large helicopter seeds all over the school yard every time there is a breeze.  Some of the seeds have been found over 100 yards from the nearest tree.

We have one mahogany tree located by the road in front of the school, and a few other larger trees in the general vicinity.  Each morning before school, and during recesses a group of children has been scouring the school yard collecting the seeds.  Plans are in process to add a mahogany tree nursery to our school's garden.  The kids will be planting and looking after the trees until they are ready to be transplanted around the estate.

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