This past weekend I had a big paper due,
which gave me ample opportunity to procrastinate, ruminate, and take random puppy pictures. With my paper completed I can switch gears to a
topic of recent contemplation, my puppy, who is now around 6th months
of age.
Belikin was born a week or two after my arrival in Gallon Jug, and since birth has had the unique distinction, among her puppy peers, of a perfect little cowlick mohawk at the scruff of her neck.
She was my favorite puppy long before I decided I wanted a dog, and with all of the dangers present for a puppy in the jungle, I have tried - rather unsuccessfully - to avoid getting too attached to her. There are many perils for dogs in this area, the list including snakes, pumas, jaguars, coyotes, and - perhaps the most numerous and dangerous - falling coconuts. A week after Bel moved into the loft I took it upon myself to wrestle and relocate a boa constrictor that was living in the stables at the time. As a testament to the perils of being a jungle puppy, Bel's mother Dulce, loved by all in Gallon Jug, went missing from her home, about 100 yards away from the loft, a few weeks ago, never to be seen again.
Only very recently have I begun thinking more than week-to-week as a puppy owner, but as I now have a 60 lb bag of dog food and a 5 month flee collar, I may as well continue in that same vein with a proper puppy post, to immortalize my dear puppy, instead of memorializing.
Aside from her mohawk, Belikin's other major quirk is screaming when she yawns - similar to the sound made by some female tennis players when the strike the ball.
The number one rule that I have with Belikin is NO FOOD AFTER MIDNIGHT.
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I don't want her turning into one of these things...
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Aside from the obvious workout benefits, biking also allows for covering a lot of ground in a stealth mode compared to vehicle travel. I saw my third puma while biking yesterday. This was a big one that was sleeping in the road about a mile past Laguna Verde. I biked within about 40 yards of him before he decided to head into the jungle. I did catch myself checking behind my as a bike for about the next two miles and contemplating the purchase pepper spray, if such a thing can be found in Belize.
And the Orchid of the Week is:
The shower of gold orchid...
I had a big paper due, so I read your blog. I finally figured out how to tell you this. Fortunately, I finished the big paper, which I hope you did also. Bel is getting so big!