Sunday, January 5, 2014

Casey Community School Holiday Replay

The holiday season has come and gone in a blur of fun, food, and quality time with friends and family.  In an attempt to make up for my lack of blog activity over the past month or so, here is a photo recap:

The Standard 5 & 6 girls got the holiday season off and rolling by getting the school Christmas tree decorated.

With a little  help from the Keuka College women's and men's volleyball teams, the tree quickly filled up with presents.

All of the students and teachers at CCS received a school supply care package from the student-athletes at Keuka.

Along with a personal message and autographed photo.

Our Christmas celebration also included candle light Christmas Caroling around Sylvester Village, and Christmas Caroling at all of the works sites in Gallon Jug.
Near the Stables and Loft

The Coffee Plantation

The Lumber Yard

Carpenter's and Mechanic's shops

Gallon Jug Coffee headquarters

Gallon Jug Office

The last stop on our holiday tour was the Chan Chich Lodge for some caroling... 

... and Christmas fun!

Houli-days Update
This year I was lucky enough to host friends and family in Gallon Jug from Thanksgiving through the New Year. 
Here are a few of the highlights:

Playing jungle volleyball with my sister.

Canoeing to Mexico for lunch.
Getting an underwater camera for Christmas.

Christmas Eve family lobster hunt.

Christmas dinner with my parents.

Ringing in the New Year with the best band in Belize - The Cover-Ups.

And Watching the coconut drop at midnight in San Pedro.

Wishing everyone all the best in 2014!